Mei 28, 2015

Islamic Estate Planner

Estate Planning Malaysia
Khaidir Zakaria
Islamic Estate Planner  / IEP will help you prepare, for example, the necessary documentation which will clarify the position of your existing assets and what is to be done with them upon your death or to see how your children (adopted or otherwise) is to be cared for, or even ensuring that your non-Muslim family (if you are a convert) is taken care of and not just your Islamic brethren.

Syariah-compliant Islamic Estate Planning services available at as-Salihin Trustee Berhad include the following :

  • Wasiat-Writing services
  • Custodial services
  • Business Continuation Plan
  • Harta Sepencarian Declaration
  • Wakaf Documentation
  • Declaration of Hibah
  • Estate Administration
  • Appointment as Executor
  • Trustee for Amanah Hayat
Khaidir Zakaria, authorised Islamic Estate Planner representatives of  as-Salihin Trustee Berhad, + 6011-3292 8711 , Cyberjaya. MALAYSIA.

Thank you

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